
Yinmin Liu

Yinmin is a third-year PhD student at University of Pittsburgh.

Research Assistant
Mechanical Engineering
1127 Benedum Hall
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
E-mail: yil195 "at" pitt "dot" edu


Hirad Alipanah

Hirad Alipanah is a Ph.D. student in computational modeling and simulation (CMS) at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt). He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology. His research interests include fluid dynamics, quantum computing, quantum algorithms, and machine learning.

Research Assistant
1127 Benedum Hall
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
E-mail: hia21 "at" pitt "dot" edu

Robert Pinkston

Bobby's research is the application of tensor network methods to fluid dynamics. He is currently exploring the matrix product state ansatz and comparing its performance to classic methods (e.g., finite difference) for solving two dimensional compressible reacting and non-reacting flows. Bobby is a Ph.D. candidate in the Computational Modeling and Simulation (CMS) program at the University of Pittsburgh and is passionate about scientific computing. His favorite programming language is Julia. His background is nuclear (BS) and mechanical (MS) engineering and he works full time as an engineer at Westinghouse Electric Company. He is co-advised by Dr. Peyman Givi and Dr. Juan José Mendoza Arenas.

Research Assistant
1127 Benedum Hall
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
E-mail: rop56 "at" pitt "dot" edu

Daniel Madrid

Daniel Madrid is a PhD student in the Computational Modeling and Simulation (CMS) program at the University of Pittsburgh. He works full-time as an R&D engineer at the Naval Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) where he focuses on emerging and enabling technologies in nuclear propulsion. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in mechanical engineering from The University of Arizona and Arizona State University, respectively. His research interests are in quantum computational fluid dynamics, quantum algorithms, and quantum computing.

Research Assistant
1127 Benedum Hall
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
E-mail: "at" pitt "dot" edu